Characterization of a Molybdenum-reducing Burkholderia sp. Dr.Y27 with Phenol and Acrylamide-degrading Capability
Bioremediation, Molybdenum, Molybdenum blue, Burkholderia sp., AcrylamideAbstract
Recent studies have shown that molybdenum is toxic to the process of spermatogenesis at concentrations of several parts per million, highlighting its significance as a toxic substance. We have previously identified a bacterium that has the ability to break down acrylamide in soils that have been contaminated. We found that this bacterium has the capability to convert the heavy metal molybdenum into molybdenum blue. The study examines the Mo-blue absorption spectra of Burkholderia sp. Dr. Y27, revealing a secondary peak at 700 nm and a primary peak ranging from 860 to 870 nm. It indicates that Mo-blue is probably a diminished heteropolymolybdate, aided by enzymatic reduction in media containing phosphate. The most favorable pH for molybdate reduction was determined to be approximately 6.0, while the optimal temperature range was found to be between 34 and 37°C. Multiple carbon sources were examined, and it was found that glucose, fructose, and 2-ketogluconate exhibited the greatest efficacy. The presence of heavy metals such as mercury and copper greatly suppressed the production of Mo-blue. This text discusses the potential of using bioremediation in tropical regions, specifically focusing on the ability of Burkholderia sp. Dr. Y27 to efficiently reduce molybdenum under optimal conditions. The results provide evidence for the capability of Burkholderia sp. Dr. Y27 to be a successful agent for molybdenum bioremediation, particularly in tropical settings, by optimizing factors such as pH, temperature, and carbon sources. Additional investigation is advised to examine its utilization in practical contexts.
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