Characterization of a Metanil Yellow-decolorizing Pseudomonas strain Isolated from the Juru Industrial Park
Metanil Yellow-decolorizing, Pseudomonas strain, Juru Industrial Park, Characterization, BioremediationAbstract
This study examines how the initial concentration of dye, temperature, pH, and NaCl content affect the ability of a bacterial strain, specifically identified as Pseudomonas sp. strain UPM291, to remove color from Metanil Yellow. The decolorization percentage exhibited a distinct trend throughout a range of dye concentrations (0-700 mg/L), with the greatest efficacy (90-100%) recorded at values below 200 mg/L. The efficiency declined at higher concentrations, reaching approximately 20% at a dosage of 700 mg/L. Temperature investigations unveiled a symmetrical curve resembling a bell shape, indicating a range of temperatures that is most favorable for the process of decolorization. The maximum efficiency, approaching 100%, was found at a temperature of 35°C. However, the efficiency decreased considerably as the temperature above 35°C, reaching approximately 20% at 50°C. The impact of pH on decolorization exhibited comparable patterns, with optimal efficacy observed at pH 6.5 and diminished efficacy at both more acidic and more alkaline settings. The decolorization efficiency reached its peak (90-100%) at a pH of 6.5 and decreased to approximately 60% at a pH of 8.0. The influence of the NaCl content on decolorization was shown to follow a certain pattern, with the most effective decolorization (90-100%) occurring at NaCl concentrations of up to 10 g/L. The efficiency declined as the NaCl concentrations increased, reaching around 20% at 30 g/L. The data indicate that the bacterial strain demonstrates the highest effectiveness in removing color within particular ranges of dye concentration, temperature, pH, and NaCl content. There is a noticeable decline in efficiency when the parameters go outside of these optimal ranges. Gaining a comprehensive understanding of these characteristics can assist in optimizing the conditions necessary for the efficient bioremediation of Metanil Yellow utilizing specific bacterial strains.
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